Flavor of Erasure ~a prompt

Rubber shavings
Gather up
what once was
But is no more
as they
Fly away
In a breath
And Fall
to the floor

The block
Bulky in my little hand
Gluey and yellow
Looked a bit like cheese
With fine crumbs like sand
What remained
looked a lot
Like a leftover sneeze

I hated the smudges
Of my imperfections
Staining the page
It had to be neat
Ripping a hole
Showing slight tear
I crumpled up
The defective sheet

Lead and salty rubber
Were the taste of my mistakes
Spewed like an Ash Wednesday
Mess upon my forehead
For everyone to see
Perfection my sin
Failure my shame
Can’t I color instead

Quietly, Studiously
I gathered resolve
And asked for
more paper
J’s and S’s, …S’s
Dancing curvaceous
between the lines
Of my

Flavor of Erasure


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